Monday, December 3, 2007

December Bunco and Cookie Exchange

Hey Gals,

December Bunco is at my house (Tara's). In lieu of a gift, please bring a plate of goodies. For those of you who aren't big bakers, I have listed some links to easy recipes and semi-homemade stuff and some no-bake treats.

It's going to be December 13 at 7 pm at my house. (this site is really cool, you can narrow this search further by ingredients that you have, time to make, type of dessert, inexpensive recipes, holidays/gifts, etc.)

Let me know if you'll be there and try to find a sub if you won't. I think Jaci Tanner is possibly interested in subbing if anyone needs one. Make sure you tell your subs about the goodie exchange so they'll know!